Dry(ish) January Is Over


Dear god! Why do we pick one of the longest months of the year to withhold alcohol from our lives?!?!
Oh yeah, because the holiday drinking season pretty much ferments our bodies, and our livers need a break. Plus, it's nice to start off the year on the right foot. Sure, the first couple weeks are hell and there is lots of temptation to have a beer with NFL playoffs on TV, but once that detox kicks in, it's all worth it.

I recently read an article that said this was the largest group of Americans to try and concur "dry January" in years. In part because of the pandemic. Lots of Americans admit to overdoing the booze in 2020. According to Wine.com alcohol sales were up 217% last year. 

Of course, some hear "dry January" and automatically assume it has a negative connotation but in reality "dry January" has just as many health benefits as mental health benefits. And abstaining from alcohol even for short periods of time can improve your sleep quality 10 fold! 

Of course, when it comes to depression or alcoholism you should always seek help but for those just looking for a good detox it's okay if you didn't make it. Experts say just trying to get through the month can reap the benefits above. 

Now, I'm not gonna lie dry January was more like dry-ish January for me too. I must admit I did have 2 cocktails. One glass of Champagne when a friend's baby was born and a glass of red wine while out to dinner with my husband. Now, I can honestly say I feel so much better than I did on January 1. Not only have I been partaking in dry(ish) January but I have also recruited the help of a nutritionist at Profile by Sanford.

They customized a meal plan especially for me as a nursing mom and I feel amazing! Between abstaining from alcohol (for the most part) and taking control of my health, I have already lost 7 lbs. I am closer to my pre-baby weight than ever before.  

Sure, I will continue to have a glass of wine or a dirty martini here and there but I think I like this new feeling. When I do partake in happy hour I will be sure to try out these 3 tricks I found online. 

Stick to reds. Red wines contain resveratrol which has antioxidants. Stick to Pinot Noirs and Cabernets.

Go low sugar. Sure some wines have a lower alcohol content but that is sometimes a trap. Check to make sure you're not getting more sugar along with that lower content. Don't fall into the Moscato trap!

And finally, try a spritzer! Adding sparkling water to your wine can stretch the serving, plus it's more refreshing especially in the summer months. 

Cin Cin! That's Italian for Cheers! 

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